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Closure, A Gripping New Play about Revenge Holds World Premiere at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022

Closure: why be the bigger person when you can be the last one standing?

Hot on the heels of their first national tour, Ink and Curtain presents their second show Closure in association with the Pleasance Theatre and HOME Manchester.

In this darkly comic celebration of catharsis, revenge and feminine rage, Mia invites Alex and Laura to a dinner party. They quickly learn that not all of them may be leaving alive.

Writer Faye Draper describes the piece as “A play that delves into the darkest part of ourselves and the people we think we know.”

Director Maz Hedgehog says the show is “funny and heartfelt and utterly vicious in the best possible way”

Closure debuts at the Edinburgh Pleasance Courtyard, Baby Grand venue as part of the Pleasance Theatre Trust’s Edinburgh National Partnerships programme.

Spanning the full length of the Edinburgh Fringe, the show will run from Friday 3rd to Sunday 29th August at 3.10pm.

The journey doesn’t end there; Ink and Curtain will be bringing Closure to Manchester for HOME’s PUSH Festival in 2023.


Closure stars Faye Draper as Mia, a woman with a quest for revenge; Conor Burns as Alex, a doctor with a dark past. Maz Hedgehog as Laura, a woman trapped between her friendship with Mia and her partner Alex.


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