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Get in touch for interviews/ briefings on Article 6/ offsets during COP

NB We also have a backgrounder on offsets we can send you, and you can read some quotes below from leading thinkers on these:

“Offsets are a necessary part of our efforts to build resilience to future disasters, in order to improve the quality of human life on our planet for decades to come…If we are handed a mechanism by which the companies most responsible for causing climate change pay a share of the costs for solving it, and that can deliver rapid access to finance today, then it would be folly to ignore it..Christina Figueres, formerly executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

“We must follow the carbon law, which means no compromises on cutting emissions of black carbon from fossil fuels by half every decade. That is the pace and that is non-negotiable. Everything under that curve should be offset with investments in nature-based solutions or different forms of offsetting. I argue we should aim for carbon neutrality today, not 2050.Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

"We need to remove carbon from the atmosphere in order to stay within safe limits for human survival and prosperity. We need to do this now using all the tools we have available. The voluntary carbon market is the only mechanism we have today that puts a price on carbon so we can reward emissions-reducing work done in the tropical forest countries.” James Cameron, pre-COP26 press briefing Monday 25 October 2021

“By some estimates the voluntary carbon markets are starting to grow at speed and scale…it is time to enhance the rules that can build higher levels of confidence, integrity and quality while helping to unleash higher financial flows that can support stepped up climate action." Professor Edgar Hertwich of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and a lead author of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)

“Offsets are not inherently good or evil. They are a tool to get to net zero - a tool that’s only as good as the design.” Andreas Merkl, President, Ocean Conservancy

“Carbon offsets will not let us buy our way into heaven, but they could slow our descent into hell.” Umair Irfan, Journalist, Vox


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