International Exhibitors Excited for The London Book Fair 2022
The London Book Fair (LBF) has today announced a substantial international contingent, with attendees from the US & Canada, large country pavilions from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, China and Turkey, as well as confirmation that all Big Four UK publishers will be hosting stands at this year’s fair, the first in-person edition of LBF since 2019. Rights and Export Sales representatives from several US publishers are expected, with other American companies such as Legible and SiteFusion exhibiting for the first time. Combined Book Exhibit will host a large stand in line with previous years.
Sharjah will be the 2022 Market Focus, with a programme of cultural events celebrating Emirati authors and books being organised in partnership with the British Council. A professional programme has also been designed to enable and enhance business opportunities in the region. Details of both programmes will be revealed shortly.
Exhibitors from all sectors of the publishing world are set to attend, including a strong presence from the Children’s publishing and STM sectors. Only a handful of locations for exhibitors remain, with the IRC fully booked with a waiting list.
New exhibitors at the fair include:
Legible – USA
SiteFusion – USA
Beat Technology – Norway
Inner Truth Books – Panama
L’Erma di Bretschneider – Italy
Arab Publishers Association – UAE
Trends – UAE
Greyhound Literary Agents – UK
Glass Boxx – UK
Hardie Grant – UK
Priddy Books – UK
Tom Weldon, PRH commented: “The London Book Fair has always marked an important point in the publishing calendar – not just because it is one of the biggest moments in the year for rights negotiations and export sales, but because it is one of the few times when our whole industry physically comes together, even before the pandemic. We are really looking forward to returning to an in-person fair this year and being able to connect again after two years of uncertainty and disruption.”
David Shelley, CEO Hachette UK, commented: “It feels very exciting to have the chance to see publishing friends from around the world at the LBF. After so long apart it will be fascinating to compare notes, talk about the books we’re excited about and share our experiences together. I can’t wait.”
Janet Fritsch, American Collective Stand, said: “It’s been a long two years and we are ecstatic to be back in London for LBF, as are the 70+ people attending with the USA Pavilion organized by the American Collective Stand and the Combined Book Exhibit. Everyone we speak with is itching to get back to in-person events and those one-on-one meetings to find the next big deal, reconnect with colleagues and cultivate new contacts.”
Bridget Shine, IPG, commented: “The IPG and our members are really excited to be heading back to The London Book Fair after three years, and the enforced absence has reminded us how much we enjoy it. Independent publishers have pivoted nimbly to remote working and virtual meetings during the pandemic, but nothing beats getting together in person. While we’ll miss some of our overseas friends who won’t be able to make it for obvious reasons, we’re anticipating a very productive few days for the 100+ brilliant independent publishers on our collective stands.”
Matt Leavy, Wiley, commented: “The London Book Fair is an integral part of publishing, and we’re excited to be back in person this year. We’re eager to see familiar and new faces and deepen connections with partners and industry leaders. The past two years have demonstrated the impact that industry-leading content has globally and coming together again will enable us to carry these conversations forward.”
Cathryn Summerhayes from Curtis Brown said: “I think I speak on behalf of all agents and their teams at Curtis Brown when I say that we are all really looking forward to this year’s London Book Fair. Whilst publishing and agenting has remained robust and successful despite all that COVID, Brexit and beyond has thrown at it, everyone has missed the buzz of a fair, the thrill of a deal made on the ground and the jovial early morning meeting chats about who has the hot book, who was last to bed and who drank the most negronis. We are a sociable business, passionate about our books, authors and colleagues and it’s time to get that warm and fuzzy feeling of all being united in the same place for the same goals for good.”
Andy Ventris, Director of The London Book Fair, said: “The fact that we have so many big hitters heading to Olympia in April is a huge vote of confidence in the fair, and a testament to the power of meeting face to face to network and do business. While Covid restrictions have affected the travel plans of representatives from some territories, we are delighted to have such a strong international presence, and as always are thrilled to welcome first time exhibitors from the UK and beyond to the fair. There is excitement building with less than a month to go until The London Book Fair, and we can’t wait to open our doors to so many international exhibitors, agents and visitors to in April.”